Friday, November 28, 2014

14 Months and 14 Things I'm Grateful For

14 months ago I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah! It's so strange to think I've been a missionary for that long!

With my 14 month mark came a special day! Thanksgiving! A nationally loved holiday filled with family, fun, and turkey! I love this beautiful holiday season we've been given to ponder on what really matters in life.

And Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without a list of things we are grateful for!!

So, on my 14 month mark I'm going to give you 14 things I'm grateful for!

1. First and foremost, my family.
I don't know where I would be without this wonderful family I've been blessed with. Within this family unit I have learned the gospel, learned how to be a grown up, and learned how important it is to have these relationships for eternity.

2. My mission experience.
The past 14 months have consisted of so many experiences. A few of the adjectives I would use to describe my mission would be: happy, challenging, eye opening, exhausting, awkward, beautiful, hilarious, fun, and all together an experience that has prepared me for real life more than anything else I've ever done!

3. My companions.
These sisters have had the privilege of being around me for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for at least 6 weeks, sometimes more. I am so grateful for mission companions, they have supported me through my hardest times and rejoiced with me through the best of times.

4. The scriptures.
There is no satisfactory substitute for the peace I feel when I read from the Book of Mormon and the Bible. These books are the word of God. I can't imagine my life without the direction they provide.

5. My dog.
Make fun of me all you want, she's my best friend!

6. The people of Mesa.
I thank the Lord every single day that I was called on my mission to Mesa, Arizona. The people here have taught me much more than I've taught them! I've met and grown to love so many families and people that I want to be like when I grow up!

7. My mission family.
The Arizona Mesa Mission is most definitely a family. We're a tight knit family.

8. The power of prayer.
The personal strength that results from prayer is so powerful. Every single person on the Earth should have this in their life. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to kneel in prayer every day and receive help and guidance from a loving Heavenly Father.

9. Food.
Really though.

10. Sunshine and the Arizona desert.
It's the simple things in life.

11. Random acts of kindness.
Being on either the sending or receiving end of any act of service is a wonderful experience! Helping others and being helped brings out the best in everyone.

12. The holiday season.
During this time of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the beginning of a new year, people's hearts are softened and open to the peace the gospel of Jesus Christ brings.

13. My mission president and his wife.
Now that I've met these two people I can honestly say I've met two angels on Earth.

14. Last, but far from least, Jesus Christ.
Without the life and the love Jesus Christ offers me I would not the person I am today.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A New Name, The Same Game

A new look, a new title, but all the same good qualities and uplifting posts. You can now find us at

I've been pondering a new blog title for a long time and it was truly revelation that led me to the Book of Mormon to find this verse:

"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."
Alma 37:6

I'm not changing the world through this blog. I'm probably lucky if one person reads it. But I know that it is through my small and simple efforts that I can do my part in bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world.

So what are YOUR small and simple things?

What do you do to make this world a little bit better? As we work together as a human family, we can bring great things to pass. A smile to a stranger on the street, a text to a friend in need, sharing what has brought you happiness, everything we do will affect someone. You have the power to make or break someone's day, make the choice NOW to make as many people's days as you can! And always ask yourself the question: what would Jesus do? I promise it works. Every time.